A Message from Pastors’ Apostle Zebedee & Suzanne SheppardWe greet you, in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Suzanne and I would like to welcome you to one of the most prolific ministries in this hour. We are ecstatic about the fact that our heavenly Father and his predetermine purpose has chosen us as ambassadors of the greatest kingdom in all of creation. As servants of the most high God, our utmost and sincere desire is to please God in every assignment he presents to us. Our aim is to make a difference in the life of every person we meet with the greatest message the world has ever received, which is the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Our church, Victory & Dominion World Outreach Center, is a new-millennium ministry that understands its purpose and design. It is clear to us that a global mandate from God rests upon our shoulders and that we must now, more than ever; hold up the light of our Lord, Jesus Christ in the earth. We believe the only hope the world has today is Jesus; and we have an obligation to make sure that Jesus is presented in both an excellent and effective manner.
My friends, there is so much more that awaits you here at VDWOC! We invite you to come and see for yourself and, prayerfully, you too will consider becoming a part of a ministry that’s making a difference in the world today.
In His Service,
Apostle Zebedee and Suzanne Sheppard